Notice Board Logo - notices and letters posted 13 November 1996
Posted: 13 November 1996

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5 October 96: Hello!
FYI: I got my start climbing the cliffs of Wales. I attended Atlantic College in South Wales. Although I don't climb much any more (I line in Florida) I am happy to find your magazine and look forward to reading it. - Matt

, Canada
7 October 96: Great e-zine, keep up the good work!

, New Zealand
14 October 96: You have a good looking e-zine, keep up the good work !

14 October 1996: Excellent site! I enjoy climbing vicariously only! : ) My son is an avid climber, mostly @ Squamish, B.C., Canada and coaches neophyte climbers at a 'climbing gym' in Vancouver.

17 October 1996: you have pigued my interest, thanks.

18 October 1996: I am an engineer and pilot from the flatlands of Florida. Tend to favor snow skiing and mountain biking. Hope to gain further insight into hiking, mountaineering/ascents, ice climbing, rappel techniques. GO GATORS!

The Netherlands
19 October 1996: My compliments!

22 October 96: I am try ing to find out any information I can about the Three Peaks Challenge that three friends and I wish to do for charity. I do not know whether there is a specific place I can go to find out about it. (It being B-Nevis, ScaFell and Snowdon in 24 hrs) Would be gratefull if you could help.
Thanks in advance. - David.

24 October 96: I recently found your page. Looks like some interesting reading. Thanks for making it free.
  Climbing Accident - APPEAL for HELP!
At Noon on September 29th, Sam Mancini, Neal Aronson, and Shannon Wiens summitted Northern California's Mount Shasta via the Hotlum/Bolum Ridge on Shasta's north face. On the descent, Aronson fell as they approached the final 700 ft of snow. Since Aronson was still roped to Mancini and Wiens, attempts to arrest themselves failed as the force from the slide was to much for any single person to hold. In a domino effect, the party slid approximately 500ft into a rock outcroping where the impact caused all members of the party physical trauma and shock. Mancini, while still clear headed, called for rescue by dialing 911 on his cellular phone.
Although the Forest Service was aware of the accident, the altitude and the lack of a powerful enough helicopter forced the party to endure the night. The following day, after having spent 18 hours on the mountain after the fall, the party was rescued by members of the Siskiyo County Search and Rescue and the National Guard in a Blackhawk helicopter. They were helivac'd to the local hospital. Wiens, who sustained a broken ankle, eight broken ribs and serious internal injuries, spent two days in intensive care. Mancini was also hospitalized with a broken ankle, a dislocated shoulder, and two broken ribs. Aronson escaped with a broken ankle and several cuts and bruises.
When reflecting back on the accident, the party believed that they should have perhaps shortened the rope lengths between them so as to minimize the force that accumulated during Aronson's fall. As well, Mancini, the strongest climber, should have been in the rear of the rope team. There was a positive from the groups analysis...the cell phone probably saved Wien's life.
A Trust fund has been set up for Shannon Wiens to help with hospital bills as she had just started a new job and her health insurance had not yet been activated.
Non deductable donations can be mailed to:
Shannon Wiens Recovery Fund
1639 Oxford St. #2
Berkeley, CA 94709
Please include a return address.

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