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WORLD WIDE WORD - Resources for Word Mongers

A host of resources for writers, journalists, etc, are available on the WWW. Rather than duplicating, ad infinitum, ad nauseum, resources that are available in literally (no pun intended) thousands of web sights, I'll point you to the sites I use most often! If there are others, I'll gladly include them! The exception to the rule is Webster's and Roget's. I've included them here, so that searches for words or synonyms can be done directly from this page!

 "  bricolage  Published and maintained by Trevor Lawrence - links to dictionaries, acronyms, quotations, associations, freelance opportunites, etc. Concise descriptions; working links! Regularly updated.
 "  Writer's Resource Center  Published and maintained by John Hewitt - another useful resource for writers.
 "  Magazine and Newsletter Editors' Resource List  Published and maintained by Ted Goff - another useful resource for writers.
<1-- Start WEBSTERS -->  " 
 "  Roget's Thesaurus
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