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Ikhaya Design Studio Links

Eco Links

almost anything... everywhere...


The organisations, listed below, are major proponents in the ongoing battle to Save Our World from the ravages of rampant industrial growth! To show our appreciation for the work they do, we proudly display their banners, directly linked to their home pages. In so doing we also wish to show our association with green issues, and emphasise our commitment to a Green Earth for all!

In addition, links to Green pages of "Virtual Libraries", and a search facility yielding "Green" and "mountain" related results are provided. For other Search Services: Go to

The Roll of Honour
In recognition of their
Stand on Environmental  Issues,
we honour these Organisations


We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing;
others judge us by what we have done.

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -


The mission of

Earthwatchis to improve human understanding of the planet, the diversity of its inhabitants, and the processes that affect the quality of life on Earth.


Link to Earhtwatch : Mission, Field Research Opportunities
Friends of the Earth International  is a federation of autonomous environmental organisations from all over the world.


"  1996: FoEI's 25th Anniversary year  "

is an independent, campaigning organisation which uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and to force the solutions which are essential to a green and peaceful future..
The World Wildlife Fund'sMission is to reverse the destruction of the Earth's natural environment and build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

- the banner says it all!

Green Journals and Magazines


Electronic Green Journal
Environment Section of The WWW Virtual Library- This is the WWW Electronic Journals List, kept at The University of Virginia. Planet Earthis the second of the two WWW Virtual Libraries, featured here. In future we may decide which one has more of this or that... In the meantime... Both of these "libraries" contain a host of green related information, including research documents, white papers, international treaties, links to other organisations, etc.



Virtual Libraries
Resources for Reference


Search facility provided courtesy of    [ Deja News ]

Member of the Internet Link Exchange

© 1996, Ikhaya Design Studio