Short Stories will be posted during the month.
- Short Story Contest - Minimum value £250-00. Write a short story, on any aspect of mountaineering or related activities. The best three each month (chosen by a panel appointed by Mountain) will be published. You the reader will then be asked to judge the Best Short Story of the Month. All "Best of the Month" Short Stories will be entered into the Annual contest, judging of which will again be done by a panel appointed by Mountain, and taking into consideration the judging of the readership. The Annual Short Story Winner will receive a minimum of £250-00 in cash!
Rules: Short Stories (1200 - 1500 words) submitted for consideration shall not previously have won any short story contests, and shall not concurrently have been entered for any other short story contests, in any format whatsoever. " All work must be original, that is, the author's intellectual property, and must be submitted via electronic mail.
Email Address for contests, or further information
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