Andy Ross Sharp, born in Fresno, Ca, 20 years ago. Writer, composer, singer, guitar & keyboard player, and artist to boot! " Andy has been studying music since he was 5 years old - classical piano. He likes to write creative sounds that challenge the future - and the words certainly challenges the world to be a better place!
Andy: "hate animal abuse! ... censorship? sucks! Would like to save our world, or do my part! Music.... I hope to open people's eyes and minds to the truth.
Judging by the lyrics of their first cd, this talented and extremely versatile young artist, who lives for his music, is telling the world exactly what he believes in!
Jody Alan Shank, left-handed-upside-down-guitarist, was born in Modesto, Ca, 25 years ago. Writer, singer, guitar and bass player, he's been playing music since the "sturm-und-drung" years (aka puberty). " Feels strongly about technical freaks ("hates 'em!"), spars against pollution (Yay!), and is totally for the downfall of over-priced ticket sales, "put in place so some ass-hole can get rich out of bands like us!" " Jody and Andy, make up the mainstay of kHz. "We sometimes feel like we've played together for a lifetime..." Our live perfomance is an original experience that no one forgets!