Sample Product The Demo Shopping Cart & Mail Order Catalogue.

   Our Online Shopping Cart represents yet another leap forward - and another step ahead of the competition!

sample products   Complete Product Range Display - Ability to Order Multiple Items, in varying Quantities from one, or many pages!

Relax - your Info Safe and Secure    Plus Peace of Mind, with options for Secure Ordering Facilities, Credit Card Checking (Valid Card Number and/or Transaction Approved), Stock Control, Special Offers, etc, etc! Sophisticated yet Reliable, Efficient yet Easy for Navigation! The Ultimate Shopping Cart - and fully customised to your needs!

Further Information / Trade Enquiries
Ikhaya WebServices
Kapchorwa, City Farm
Eynsham, Oxfordshire OX8 1EG
Tel: +44 (0)
Fax: +44 (0)

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Last Updated on 06 June 1998 by:  Webmaster at Ikhaya