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  A Note on Search Engines
Search Engines catalog and describe sites differently. Check the descriptions below to find the service that will suit your needs.
DejaNews Search Usenet news groups and discussion forums. Very thorough. Power Search facility allows very specific queries.
Excite Complete with reviews of each site. Can also be used to search Usenet discussion groups.
Infoseek Catalogs and displays an excerpt for each individual web page (as opposed to entire sites) that matches your search criteria.
Magellan Reviews and rates sites. Displays a summary and a link to the review for each site that matches your search criteria. You can also browse their hot sites.
WebCrawler Very thorough, easy-to-use search engine.
Yahoo! Organises sites by category. Displays a summary of the site that matches your search criteria, and a link to the site's category.
Starting Point MetaSearch facility - A Starting Point to search the Web! Listed last as it has a useful facility: choosing from a number of different search engines when you get there, incuding various not listed here.

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